QCM Charities
Here's your chance to “Run for a Reason!” The Charity Bibs Program allows runners to join the team of a local nonprofit, and commit to a fundraising goal set by the Quad Cities Marathon. Charity Bib runners raise funds that support one of our partner organizations.
Quad Cities Marathon Charity Bibs Program
How it Works:
Interested runners select one of our partner nonprofits and join their team. Charity Bib runners commit to a $400 fundraising goal and have access to their own fundraising page on Race Roster.
After reaching the $400 goal, runners receive a full refund on their race registration. Eligible races include the full-marathon, half-marathon, 10K, 5K, or one-mile walk.
The runner’s selected nonprofit receives all donations (minus Race Roster fees) to use in support of their individual missions.
Ready to Run for a Reason?
If you are a nonprofit looking for a fundraising opportunity, contact Linda Sawvell, Charity Bibs Program Coordinator.
If you are interested in becoming a runner for the 2024 Charity Bibs Program, contact one of the nonprofits listed below. If you don’t hear back within several days, or if you have questions about the program, contact Linda Sawvell, Charity Bibs Program Coordinator.
Click on a logo to be directed to Race Roster, and each nonprofit's contact information.
NOTE: Charity Bibs participants will register upfront for their preferred race and complete payment. Upon successful completion of their fundraising goal, they will receive an automatic refund. In the event that a participant does not reach their fundraising goal, please be aware that there are no refunds. The participant will still be registered for their preferred race, but will not receive a refund. Thank you!
Shoes For Quad Cities Kids
Donate money to purchase new running shoes for Quad Cities kids or donate a pair of shoes that you’re not using anymore! This initiative of the TBK Quad Cities Marathon helps supply our local youth with running shoes, encouraging youth to live healthy and active lifestyles.
** Shoes will be available for pickup at the Expo the Saturday before the Marathon **
ZERO Us Too Prostate Cancer Support Groups
Together in partnership with Zero Cancer, and the Greater Quad Cities Us Too Prostate Cancer Support Group, our goal is to help increase prostate cancer awareness and provide important health screenings, patient education and support programs in the Quad Cities area.
We want to encourage families and friends to support the Saturday Walk for the Cause in honor of men who are fighting prostate cancer, have conquered their battle, or in memory of those who did not survive. We also urge all men from age 40 and up to include a Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) and a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test in their annual physical. These two tests catch prostate cancer in its earliest stages when there is a better chance of long lasting survival.
For more information about QC Prostate Cancer Initiatives, or Zero Cancer, please visit the US TOO Quad Cities website and the Zero Cancer website.